"Do Danish companies still need me as an international talent?"

Virtual webinar with recently employed international talents, company representatives and labor market experts.
May 5th, 2021
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Clear answer - yes, they do! Join this webinar to get inspired in your continued job search process.

It is a fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has a large negative impact on economic activity, and has changed the job market overnight. The global outbreak and the following economic consequences have made it more challenging to enter the Danish job market, where especially international students and graduates are having a difficult time. However, despite COVID-19 rocking the boat, companies in Denmark are still in need of international employees with high-in-demand skills. The times are difficult, but people are getting hired!
To motivate you as an international student or graduate to continue your job search process despite all the difficulties corona brings along, we are hosting this webinar to highlight some successful job search examples from the pandemic. For this webinar the Confederation of Danish Industry and Copenhagen Capacity has invited two recently employed international talents to share their stories, one company representative elaborating on the current situation from the businesses perspecitve, and one labor market expert, bringing insights from the labor unions.  
The webinar will proceed as such that each speaker will give a short presentation before we dive into a discussion focusing on the themes such as:
  • Should international students/graduates seek specific industries/positions/or sectors?
  • How can international graduates/students keep up the motivation during the crisis?
  • How has the crisis affected the recruitment of internationals in the private sector?
  • Have there been any new recruitment needs due to the crisis?
  • ... amongst others 


When: May 5th | 14:00 - 15:30

Where:  Online - you will receive the link after signing up

Deadline for signing up: May 4th at 23:59

Sign up is now closed!

Participating Companies


charlotte mark Microsoft
Charlotte Mark
Managing Director, Microsoft Development Center
Jakob Gradel, IDA-1
Jakob Gradel
Career Counselor & labor market expert, IDA
chrissy patton
Chrissy Patton
Recently employed full-time as
Global Talent Acquisition Coordinator, Trustpilot
marko milic
Marko Milić
Recently employed student assistant as
IT Software Engineer, Danske Bank


14.00 - 14.10   Welcome 

Nibras Aziz, Consultant at Dansk Industri

Elin Söderbergh, Talent Retention Manager at Copenhagen Capacity

14.10 - 14.30   Short introductory presentations by the speakers

Charlotte Mark, Managing Director, Microsoft Development Center

Chrissy Patton, Global Talent Acquisition Coordinator, Trustpilot & YPD Alumni

Marko Milić, Student IT Software Engineer, Danske Bank & Current YPD

Jakob Gradel, Career Counselor, IDA (Jakob will be representing IDA, DM and DJØF)

14.30 - 15:20   Discussion

The discussion will focus on a couple of preset topics as well as questions from the audience

15:20 - 15:30   Wrap up and thank you for today!



A clear and bold header

You can take this opportunity to provide your lead with other ways to engage with your company. Is there anything else that your lead should know at this stage in the funnel? Can you earn more lead information with an additional ask?

This is a great time to promote any additional content relevant to this buyer's journey. A free demo could help to provide more information. Videos from someone in your business can give off a friendly, relatable feeling. If you'd like some help creating this page, check out HubSpot Academy.

Be cool. People like that.

"Everybody loves ending on a happy note. And what's happier than a goofy smile on a dog? Nothing's happier than that. That's science. It's a fact."

Register for the webinar now!

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Please read the GDPR notice in advance of signing up for the event, to understand what kind of data we will ask to receive from you and why - click here.


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